28 september 2009


Give me a breaaaaaaaaaaak, whats wrong with men????

Eager to learn mieux le francais as I always am, I joined a groupe or, maybe a page, called "Sorbonne" on Facebook. I guess no one has missed the fact that I'm going to STUDY FRENCH AT SORBONNE NEXT YEAR, so obviously I thought this must be a perfect place to meet people and get the opportunity to practice some french.

Therefore, I wrote a message on the wall asking if someone there would like to write to me in french etc...etc...etc. About 1 minute later I get a friend request from a guy with a foreign (not french!) name. The message goes " hi, how r u?", and as everybody knows that could just as well be translated into "hi, do you want to have sex with me?"

Polite as I am, I answer to his questions for a while and get to know that he doesn't know a single word of french...of course the conversation ends up in him wanting to "talk to me" a.k.a watch me on skype. Whereupon I (of course) suddenly find myself in a hurry and have to leave him. Then I also notice that one of his friends has sent me a friend request!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's wrong with you guys??? Ce n'est vraiment pas la classe....

I think it's time to become a lesbian again:(

19 september 2009


Hi again,

Yesterday evening I clearly wasn't the cleverest person walking on earth. Because of lazyness I took the car to work instead of going by bus even though I knew there wasn't much fuel left. But as a matter of fact I also thought (for the first time in my life even though I've had my licence for about a year) it'd be a great opportunity for me to refuel the car on my own. Of course I had to phone my dad to get detailed instructions, and then I had to phone him again to ask how to open the gas cap (the one on the inside, not on the outside).
But so far so good!

As I walked into the store to pay the bill I was almost feeling a little proud of myself. Unfortunately the feeling only lasted until I swiped my bank card and realized I hadn't enough money in my bank card account. Since I have no bank by phone and my parents and I don't have our accounts in the same banking-house (=if they had transfered money to me it would have taken me at least a day to get it) there was nothing to do than for my dad to come and bail me out. Terrific. I felt so mature as I explained to the guy in the checkout that I had to wait for my dad until I could pay him. Or not.

My bad luck in car related stuff continued today as I got one motor breakdown and managed to turn in the worng direction twice, on my way home from Andreas.

Well, at least I have never gotten a speeding ticket....

12 september 2009

Des études

Okay, je dois avouer that Sweden doesn't totally suck. Free education doesn't suck. Okay that komvux is a bitch but, honestly in which country wouldn't it be? Highschool in Sweden is also pretty okay. Well, maybe we don't learn that much, but it's easy to get into. It's kind of chill that you can just walk right in, (or write an e-mail = even more convenient!) talk to a teacher, and be admitted to a course. For free, without being graded. Gotta love that.

Moreover, I'm free all week-end and that's supposed to be wonderful. Right now though, it is actually a little boring. I feel pressured to study donc it becomes boring to study. Why does it always end up that way? Mysterious, I guess I'll continue to read Ensemble c'est tout and after that I'lll try to get all the 300 words or whatever into my head. Wish me good luck! I wanna be good at french, but most of the time, unfortunately, it feels like I really suck. Annoying.

Haha, btw, was on the verge of writing "Ennoying" = Frenglish!!!

07 september 2009


Sorry but NU NU NU!

Il faut que j'écrive ett blogginlägg på svenska om ça = LULEÅS misär, förfall och degenererande effekt på alla människor med DRÖMMAR, AMBITIONER OCH EN FRAMTID som inte består av kassan på Ica i 40 år eller personlig assistent på DIN FÖRLÄNGDA ARM, kläder från kapp ahl, en överviktig man och ett radhus på hertsön!

Jag säger som Petter a.k.a La Pierre de Couleur och spottar Luleå och komvux i fittan för sista gången! Jag säger som Emil och frågar mig vad 100 år av socialdemokratiskt styre har gjort för den norrbottniska människan och den svenska jantelagen! For now kanske i kombination med moderatregeringens nedskärning av vuxenutbildningen men JE N'EN PEUX PLUS!!!!!!!!!!! IL FAUT S'ENFUIR! ÖGONABÖJ!

Inte ens när jag går genom Mordors eldar = gnuggar mig i självförakt och tigger om att få krypa tillbaka till LULEÅ GYMNASIESKOLA bär mina ansträngningar frukt! Luleå spottar mig i ansiktet och säger kom tillbaka när du är menlös och inkapapel att leva ett värdigt liv och vi ska tvinga dig till något du inte vill, för ditt eget bästa!!!!!!!!!!
NU NÄR DU ÄR MOTIVERAD OCH SLÅSS FÖR DINA RÄTTIGHETER, PLACERAS DU SIST I KÖN. Kanske är det Sverige, kanske är det världen men det är inte okej. Och jag hatar er i smyg när jag ler mot idioterna på Ica fastän det är au-dessous de moi.

Sedan tar jag världen med storm medan rektorn på komvux är LEFT BEHIND I SITT MEDIOKRA LIV MED SIN MEDIOKRA LÖN OCH SINA MEDIOKRA TRISSLOTTVINSTER!!!!!

03 september 2009

I think that maybe I should create a new blog. A private blog. Then no one else will have to listen to (or watch) my rants and feel pressured to say something.

02 september 2009


Oh, today is such a crappy day. Being able to talk again gave me nothing but more time at the checkout counter. So everything is back to normal at work. And of course I hate it. The terrible weather is also bringing on depression. I don't want to be here. I know I don't have to. At least in about three months. But three months is a long time. But then again it isn't. it's just that I currently seem so unable to accomplish anything at all. I should be preparing for my journey, I should apply for scolarships, I should try to learn more french, I should take care of anything that is in my power to...change for the better. But I don't. I'm just sitting her, whining. Disturbing Emma in her studying just to...whine some more. I am so childish. And I know the best thing is to force onteself to actually do something. It will make you feel better. But I always think that I'm gonna make myself do it...soon, later. Tonight, tomorrow. Why does the present feel so unpleasant? In evvery way.

This blog was meant to be for entertaiment, for amusement not for self-disclosure. But so I have thought many times and I have never succeeded.

Today I have at least sold my gym card, which unexpectedly gave me 300 SEK. I should be very happy about that. I have also got an answer from the study counsellor at Komvux, and propably my application for got lost. Again. Gah, why can't things just...work out? Je n'y arrive pas du tout. I've promised myself that I'm in a moment shall call the customer service at LG to be told what to do with my laptop. A key came off, and the computer is still quite new!

Bah, maybe I should it some candies? Again. FML or what?


Ha ha ha ha!
Petter told me some weeks ago that I seem to be quite pushy in relations to other people..And I've realized that is so true! I just sent a message on facebook to a person who MIGHT be the woman I met at Ica (in her fifties or something!) to ask if it really is her!

But I swear! The message was really polite and even if it isn't her maybe I can start talking to the other one. Lol. I had never even went looking for her on facebook if I hadn't learnt the other day that really old people (like your parents or so) actually have facebook. That brings a while new dimension to things.

I've also been told at the age of 11 that you always have to make some effort, otherwise you don't get any friends and it is all your fault. You can't wait for other people to come to you because no one else will take initiative.

I will never forget that. It is like my mantra.
Finally I called the support and they will take in the laptop for reparation. I guess I have to be without it for about 10 days. Sucks a little but it's manageable. In fact we have like 5 more computers at home. So I guess I'll survive.

01 september 2009

Ellinor is not meeting fabulous people @ ICA

Today there was no sign of the fabulousness from yesterday. Ok, I still didn't have to be at the checkout, except for like 10 minutes, but neither did I get the pleasure of meeting one single interesting person. My longest conversation with a customer was about Trundöbagarn's biscuits. She was so obstinate that I had to go to the chief and ask for answers to her questions. Pure hatred.

Funny thing was that most of my collegues noticed that something about me was different but couldn't figure out what. It took them some hours to realize that I had cut a fringe (and no one saw that I had dyed my hair.) Oh well, maybe they are unobservant, or rather.. I'm not in their interest sector, pour ainsi dire. But that's the old people. What else is to expect? Bad thing is that E. The Bitch of the Bitches came back from vacation. I did my best to avoid her but nevertheless did she get the time to silently accuse me of breaking her coffeecup. Oh, dear.

Enough about work. Actually It wasn't even that boring today as I didn't have to to anything but unpack colonial products. I guess I'm more annoyed by something else.

Decided also to sell my gym card. So stupid of me to not come up with the idea until now. I haven't gone to the gym in almost three months, and still it costs me 360 SEK a month. I'm so not okay with that. At least some girl called me about 45 min after I'd made the announcement, so I will be rid of it tomorrow. Love when things go fast.

Then..blablabla, I'm stilly angry with people who don't seem to care about me as much as I care about them. But that's not news. I actually have some great friends who let me rant about my present problems ALL THE TIME. I think they sometimes wish they could shut me down. I wish so too.


PS. What's up with me having only 3 right answers out of 15 in a WWII quiz? I had a vague feeling of being educated. Guess I have to let it go.

Why isn't anyone commenting my blog entries????