08 november 2009


I don't get it, what's up with boys?

Why pretend to like someone if you don't? Why pretend to dislike someone if you don't?
Why change your mind all of a sudden. Why act like a complete asshole?

Screw them!

03 november 2009


Today I probably lost 300 euros even though everybody (especially Petter) told me that it was a foolish thing to spend them at the beginning. Of well, LIFE!

Petter tells me I'm attracted to misery but I prefer to see it like a actually have faith in mankind!
Soit I loose 300 euros soit I have a fabulous apartment in Paris! On verra.

27 oktober 2009

Le rêve

Today I had my first dream in french! Or well, in kinda' french..I was moving to Paris to live in a family where I of course fell in love with the son. He just happened to know swedish because his grandma ou quelue chose comme ca was swedish. When he spoke to me in french I didn't seem to understand so unfortunately we stuck to swedish.

Pretty soon we went in to his bedroom where we kissed. But when I took of my t-shirt, his jewish mother came in, totally terrified at the fact that a girl was going to be half-naked in her house. She screamed and chased us around the yard. I think we escaped and suddenly we were on a tiny boat, in the middle of a waterfall where the water seemed to disappear more and more as the fall got deeper and deeper. Scary thing.

So, that's supposed to mean something or what?

13 oktober 2009


During the last days, no less then three guys have stepped up asking: "WHY ARE YOU STILL SINGLE??" Pointing out what a failure I am. And they are so right!

I don't want to tell them that it's because I'm a DISGUSTING PERSON WHO NOBODY WOULD WANT so I'm smiling, saying oh well...."life is hard", as they're touching my most sensitive spot whispering "FAILURE" in my ear.

08 oktober 2009


Another day in semi-unemployment. I'm so not looking forward to my next salary, I mean what will it be???? 3.000 sek?? C'est au-dessous de moi!!!! = So below my dignity. I mean to stand all the horrible customers I should at least be paid twice the sum!!

Oh well, maybe the awful thing really is that I'm so wasting my free time. I'm constantly bored, and like play farmville even though I don't really like it anymore! The rest of time I try to read Ensemble c'est tout getting crushed over how many words I have to look up the definition for. And en plus, Iäve forbidden myself to shop, so I can't even buy myself happiness!! (Oh tomorrow I'm gonna buy a new pair of jeans-leggings but that's beside the point.) The only thing I really enjoy is the evenings when I'm chatting with my french friends. Though it isn't splendid for my self-esteem as I'm always feeling stupid for never ever getting fluent in french!

I guess this is more a ..transition waiting for Paris. But actually I'm afraid of screwing up that as well due to things I don't seem to be able to control, no matter how hard I try. That's misery or what????

Now I guess I'm gonna get back to my boring life, maybe clean the bathroom (which probably is not gonna happen). Things that really should be done is going for a walk listening to French songs in my ipod, and reading some French literature. That doesn't seem unmanageable but you never know.


05 oktober 2009


Things to get done tomorrow:

1. Go for a walk

2. Tidy my room

3. Read "Ensemble c'est tout"

4. Buy a farmhouse in Farmville

5. Send my computer to the company I bought it from to get it fixed!! (but I dont want to leave iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit)

Guess that was it. Wouldn't I be a failure if I can't even accomplish those few things?? Well, on verra demain.

04 oktober 2009


Week-end over, and in fact, this one has been kind of crappy. Somehow, I don't enjoy loneliness as much as I used to, et en plus, watching series isn't that exciting anymore. At least I've been reading some french and chatted with a french guy. Oh, freeeench<3

Stupid like always, I also wrote a message on facebook to a french girl who is member of a group for LTU-students, and who I think I might have seen at forex. Haha, lol I'm such a stalker. She hasn't answered me yet but I really hope she will. If not, I'll be embarrassed.

Well, rien d'autre has happened, I worked some hours yesterday and all I got was two english-speaking customers. Vacation over = no more tourists. I hate that, just have to hope for the french LTU-students to come, but I haven't had much luck so far:/

I guess I have nothing more to say- I'm feeling kind of bitter and rancourous (gotta love the word) at the moment. So maybe I should stick to solitude as I'm likely to be a bitch to people....*LIFE*.

Ben, I'm still dreaming of good times ahead and hoping for everything to be wonderful in Paris - la ville d'amour. If not, I'm seriously gonna gonna consider laying in bed for the next few years.
Nan, but life is really unfair, je ne mérite pas ca!!!!!!!!!

02 oktober 2009

Under the sun

Nothing new under the sun, or no I mean there is....!

I have finally made up my mind and applied to the course at Sorbonne! Today the registration fee will be transferred from my account so there is no going back! I didn't take the cancellation insurance for 250 sek (lol) but, honestly it was only valid with a doctor's certificat verifying serious disease, death in the family or stuff like that...And I aint even gonna contemplate the fact that something like that could happen. Lalalala.

Anyways, now Paris is ooooon. And Petter has ben so géntil and promised me somewhere to live the first weeks, if I can't find something on my own. Loves it, Sunderbybor stick togehter in hard times and filthy cities!! Haha.

Right now I'm doing my best to improve my french skills before I leave, but I mus say that sadly enough I find my progress kind of slow. Why can't I be a language genious who gets it all at once???

At least je viens de finir de lire Twilight Children (Les Enfants du Crépuscule) by Torey Hayden in french. 350 pages, and actually only took me about a week! Yay.

Well, I while ago Emma and I got together (it happens occasionally that we see each other outside Ica) and had som drinks at her place. We were planning to go to the new club, Tigerboys, opening at Cleo. Too make a long story short, we weren't the only ones to think so and we ended up going to bed at 1 am instead.

At least we looked fabulous for a while!

Right now I should really go do something, like read a book! But everything feels so boriiiiiiing. It doesn't even help to eat chocolate:/

Feels liked I've caught a minor depression, you know the way one catches a flu. Anyways, I might as well just be tired. Waking up at 6.30 am is so not my cup of tea.

A + ppl!

28 september 2009


Give me a breaaaaaaaaaaak, whats wrong with men????

Eager to learn mieux le francais as I always am, I joined a groupe or, maybe a page, called "Sorbonne" on Facebook. I guess no one has missed the fact that I'm going to STUDY FRENCH AT SORBONNE NEXT YEAR, so obviously I thought this must be a perfect place to meet people and get the opportunity to practice some french.

Therefore, I wrote a message on the wall asking if someone there would like to write to me in french etc...etc...etc. About 1 minute later I get a friend request from a guy with a foreign (not french!) name. The message goes " hi, how r u?", and as everybody knows that could just as well be translated into "hi, do you want to have sex with me?"

Polite as I am, I answer to his questions for a while and get to know that he doesn't know a single word of french...of course the conversation ends up in him wanting to "talk to me" a.k.a watch me on skype. Whereupon I (of course) suddenly find myself in a hurry and have to leave him. Then I also notice that one of his friends has sent me a friend request!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's wrong with you guys??? Ce n'est vraiment pas la classe....

I think it's time to become a lesbian again:(

19 september 2009


Hi again,

Yesterday evening I clearly wasn't the cleverest person walking on earth. Because of lazyness I took the car to work instead of going by bus even though I knew there wasn't much fuel left. But as a matter of fact I also thought (for the first time in my life even though I've had my licence for about a year) it'd be a great opportunity for me to refuel the car on my own. Of course I had to phone my dad to get detailed instructions, and then I had to phone him again to ask how to open the gas cap (the one on the inside, not on the outside).
But so far so good!

As I walked into the store to pay the bill I was almost feeling a little proud of myself. Unfortunately the feeling only lasted until I swiped my bank card and realized I hadn't enough money in my bank card account. Since I have no bank by phone and my parents and I don't have our accounts in the same banking-house (=if they had transfered money to me it would have taken me at least a day to get it) there was nothing to do than for my dad to come and bail me out. Terrific. I felt so mature as I explained to the guy in the checkout that I had to wait for my dad until I could pay him. Or not.

My bad luck in car related stuff continued today as I got one motor breakdown and managed to turn in the worng direction twice, on my way home from Andreas.

Well, at least I have never gotten a speeding ticket....

12 september 2009

Des études

Okay, je dois avouer that Sweden doesn't totally suck. Free education doesn't suck. Okay that komvux is a bitch but, honestly in which country wouldn't it be? Highschool in Sweden is also pretty okay. Well, maybe we don't learn that much, but it's easy to get into. It's kind of chill that you can just walk right in, (or write an e-mail = even more convenient!) talk to a teacher, and be admitted to a course. For free, without being graded. Gotta love that.

Moreover, I'm free all week-end and that's supposed to be wonderful. Right now though, it is actually a little boring. I feel pressured to study donc it becomes boring to study. Why does it always end up that way? Mysterious, I guess I'll continue to read Ensemble c'est tout and after that I'lll try to get all the 300 words or whatever into my head. Wish me good luck! I wanna be good at french, but most of the time, unfortunately, it feels like I really suck. Annoying.

Haha, btw, was on the verge of writing "Ennoying" = Frenglish!!!

07 september 2009


Sorry but NU NU NU!

Il faut que j'écrive ett blogginlägg på svenska om ça = LULEÅS misär, förfall och degenererande effekt på alla människor med DRÖMMAR, AMBITIONER OCH EN FRAMTID som inte består av kassan på Ica i 40 år eller personlig assistent på DIN FÖRLÄNGDA ARM, kläder från kapp ahl, en överviktig man och ett radhus på hertsön!

Jag säger som Petter a.k.a La Pierre de Couleur och spottar Luleå och komvux i fittan för sista gången! Jag säger som Emil och frågar mig vad 100 år av socialdemokratiskt styre har gjort för den norrbottniska människan och den svenska jantelagen! For now kanske i kombination med moderatregeringens nedskärning av vuxenutbildningen men JE N'EN PEUX PLUS!!!!!!!!!!! IL FAUT S'ENFUIR! ÖGONABÖJ!

Inte ens när jag går genom Mordors eldar = gnuggar mig i självförakt och tigger om att få krypa tillbaka till LULEÅ GYMNASIESKOLA bär mina ansträngningar frukt! Luleå spottar mig i ansiktet och säger kom tillbaka när du är menlös och inkapapel att leva ett värdigt liv och vi ska tvinga dig till något du inte vill, för ditt eget bästa!!!!!!!!!!
NU NÄR DU ÄR MOTIVERAD OCH SLÅSS FÖR DINA RÄTTIGHETER, PLACERAS DU SIST I KÖN. Kanske är det Sverige, kanske är det världen men det är inte okej. Och jag hatar er i smyg när jag ler mot idioterna på Ica fastän det är au-dessous de moi.

Sedan tar jag världen med storm medan rektorn på komvux är LEFT BEHIND I SITT MEDIOKRA LIV MED SIN MEDIOKRA LÖN OCH SINA MEDIOKRA TRISSLOTTVINSTER!!!!!

03 september 2009

I think that maybe I should create a new blog. A private blog. Then no one else will have to listen to (or watch) my rants and feel pressured to say something.

02 september 2009


Oh, today is such a crappy day. Being able to talk again gave me nothing but more time at the checkout counter. So everything is back to normal at work. And of course I hate it. The terrible weather is also bringing on depression. I don't want to be here. I know I don't have to. At least in about three months. But three months is a long time. But then again it isn't. it's just that I currently seem so unable to accomplish anything at all. I should be preparing for my journey, I should apply for scolarships, I should try to learn more french, I should take care of anything that is in my power to...change for the better. But I don't. I'm just sitting her, whining. Disturbing Emma in her studying just to...whine some more. I am so childish. And I know the best thing is to force onteself to actually do something. It will make you feel better. But I always think that I'm gonna make myself do it...soon, later. Tonight, tomorrow. Why does the present feel so unpleasant? In evvery way.

This blog was meant to be for entertaiment, for amusement not for self-disclosure. But so I have thought many times and I have never succeeded.

Today I have at least sold my gym card, which unexpectedly gave me 300 SEK. I should be very happy about that. I have also got an answer from the study counsellor at Komvux, and propably my application for got lost. Again. Gah, why can't things just...work out? Je n'y arrive pas du tout. I've promised myself that I'm in a moment shall call the customer service at LG to be told what to do with my laptop. A key came off, and the computer is still quite new!

Bah, maybe I should it some candies? Again. FML or what?


Ha ha ha ha!
Petter told me some weeks ago that I seem to be quite pushy in relations to other people..And I've realized that is so true! I just sent a message on facebook to a person who MIGHT be the woman I met at Ica (in her fifties or something!) to ask if it really is her!

But I swear! The message was really polite and even if it isn't her maybe I can start talking to the other one. Lol. I had never even went looking for her on facebook if I hadn't learnt the other day that really old people (like your parents or so) actually have facebook. That brings a while new dimension to things.

I've also been told at the age of 11 that you always have to make some effort, otherwise you don't get any friends and it is all your fault. You can't wait for other people to come to you because no one else will take initiative.

I will never forget that. It is like my mantra.
Finally I called the support and they will take in the laptop for reparation. I guess I have to be without it for about 10 days. Sucks a little but it's manageable. In fact we have like 5 more computers at home. So I guess I'll survive.

01 september 2009

Ellinor is not meeting fabulous people @ ICA

Today there was no sign of the fabulousness from yesterday. Ok, I still didn't have to be at the checkout, except for like 10 minutes, but neither did I get the pleasure of meeting one single interesting person. My longest conversation with a customer was about Trundöbagarn's biscuits. She was so obstinate that I had to go to the chief and ask for answers to her questions. Pure hatred.

Funny thing was that most of my collegues noticed that something about me was different but couldn't figure out what. It took them some hours to realize that I had cut a fringe (and no one saw that I had dyed my hair.) Oh well, maybe they are unobservant, or rather.. I'm not in their interest sector, pour ainsi dire. But that's the old people. What else is to expect? Bad thing is that E. The Bitch of the Bitches came back from vacation. I did my best to avoid her but nevertheless did she get the time to silently accuse me of breaking her coffeecup. Oh, dear.

Enough about work. Actually It wasn't even that boring today as I didn't have to to anything but unpack colonial products. I guess I'm more annoyed by something else.

Decided also to sell my gym card. So stupid of me to not come up with the idea until now. I haven't gone to the gym in almost three months, and still it costs me 360 SEK a month. I'm so not okay with that. At least some girl called me about 45 min after I'd made the announcement, so I will be rid of it tomorrow. Love when things go fast.

Then..blablabla, I'm stilly angry with people who don't seem to care about me as much as I care about them. But that's not news. I actually have some great friends who let me rant about my present problems ALL THE TIME. I think they sometimes wish they could shut me down. I wish so too.


PS. What's up with me having only 3 right answers out of 15 in a WWII quiz? I had a vague feeling of being educated. Guess I have to let it go.

Why isn't anyone commenting my blog entries????

31 augusti 2009

Le fabuleux destin d'Ellinor


I actually had a sort of amazing day at work! Unbelievable! Due to my lack of voice, so to speak (lol), I was assigned to the dairy instead of the checkout counter. That couldn't make me happier. What is 4 C cold in comparison to embittered middleage women?

Anyways, that wasn't what made my day at work. While I was standing outside the dairy, arranging yoghurt cartons I suddenly heard a familiar sound approaching. I lifted my eyes and about 20 cm from me was a French-speaking middleaged couple choosing "Mellis" yoghurt. Even though I still couldn't talk very well I decided to faire un effort, couldn't let this chance slip away, and asked if je pouvais leur aider.

After that followed a long conversation tout en francais, and they told me that they lived in une très belle ville, (maybe Limoges?) south of Paris. Apparently they were in Luleå to be at a wedding in Gammelstads kyrka. The most amazing thing was that I actually understood every word they said! And they understood me! They, or the woman, I mostly talked to her, spoke very clear and had no weird accent. She was enchanted when she heard I was going to Paris and left me their names, phonenumber, and address, like"si vous voulez vous visiter".
They had also a 27 year old daughter, living in Paris who they kind of wanted me to meet.
Le fabuleux destin d'Ellinor @ Ica, ou quoi?

But what's up with french people?? They are so nice! This is the second pair (out of 3!) I've met who have given me their numbers. Swedish people don't do that!
France is neeeeeext!

After finishing unpacking all the dairy products (after 5h, my colleagues thought I was really slow, but heey it was A LOT!) I left for my appointment with the hairdresser at 13h (and managed to get in some shopping as well). Got my hair cut and dyed. Before taking the bus back home I went to the toilettes in Shopping and took some photos of myself. Ha ha ha. I know it's so lame but here you are:

Oh, I almost forgot. The frenchmen wanted me to write my name on a note, and within a few seconds I had written Ellinor. So Elinor is my name now, and I am gonna hand in the papers tomorrow! Maybe this is like being newborn?


30 augusti 2009

FACEBOOOKIIING (and partying)

Enough facebooking for a while! I must admit that I've been totally addicted to facebook. Some weeks ago I logged in about once a week and never bothered to check anyone's photos or such things. But that, I can assure you, has changed. Meeting people from other countries does facebook so much more worth! I feel that bilddagboken is so kvar-i-Lulea-för-resten-av-livet. Time to move on!

I just realized that it is true that EVERYBODY has facebook. I mean people you would never expect! Old doctors you've met, psychiatrists (if you were fucked up as a child), parents to your friends, your boss. And I just find it so terribly funny. Maybe I'm slow but hey, who wouldn't like to check out their psychiatrist on facebook???? Kind of made my day.

Also, my mum is so cute. She's like facebooking all day but she still hasn't learn very well how to do.

Unfortunately since my facebooking took all too long, I haven't accomplished much from my list. But at least some things!

Tidying my room = check

Setting up poster = check

Writing an e-mail to my reference on the insurance company (= pennypitching for Paris!) = check (even though it wasn't on the list)

I am gonna continue with the list very soon (uploading Paris pictures = more facebooking!!) but first I have to tell you some more details about yesterday evening.

Had a Going Away party at Sanna's because it was the last day we got to see Therése before she is moving back to Älvsbyn. We're gonna miss her so much!
My friend Andreas and Sanna's boyfriend Thomas joined us and had to endure our hour-long talk about bitchy collegues and customers at Ica. Bitching about E. and the senile oldies is always relieveing.

Anyways, after a while people got drunk (or mostly Sanna I think!). The others tried to convince me of drinking more but noway, I have still have the last night in Berlin in fresh memory. We went out pretty late planning on going to All Star. But after seeing the queuing line we changed our minds and went to Heroes; the most disgusting, trashy and scabby place in Luleå.

Therése who is not from here was quite taken aback by the sight of the dreggy people wearing long beards, trashy boots, black clothes, purple hair, chains around their necks and so on. Therése is more of the blond Grace-girl who would never set foot in a loathsome place like that. Funny thing is that all the guys were SO into her! She got like more than three invites! Lol. I was mostly sitting there smiling and mocking Andreas for actually enjoying going to that place. When they started to sing "Staten och Kapitalet" = swedish anti-capitalism punk, I almost died. I wished so much that I had had a pin from MUF (the Moderate Youth League). That would have been hilarious.

Andreas and I left after like an hour (Therése had already left!) leaving Sanna alone, but she seemed to have a fun time on her own.

Came home, checked my facebook (lol) drank some resorb and went to bed. Woke up literally speechless.

On the picture: Sanna, Thomas, Andreas and Therése


Ok, this is not good. I hope yesterday's partying wasn't a contributory cause but however, today I can't talk. At all. I hope my throat will be better during the day but I have not very high expectations. Last time I lost my voice was 3 years ago and I ended up at the ICU, later transported to the "ear-nose-throat-ward" where the average age was about 80.

Oh whatever, that is not gonna be the case this time. But I'm nevertheless worried that I can't see Emma tonight (it was like aaaaaaaaaaages since I saw her without her boyfriend!) and that I can't go to work tomorrow. I need every cent I can get!! I also have an appointment with the hairdresser which I am so not gonna miss, regardless of whether I can speak or not!

I should really start tidying my room right now. It looks like hell. No kidding.

Today's list:

Tidy my room and set up my poster from Paris

Apply for scolarships

Start writing my CV

Upload photos from Paris on facebook, with all picture descriptions in french

Post a french blog entry

Read at least some pages in Candide

Hopefully go and see Emma

/ Tove Linnéa Ellinor

28 augusti 2009

Post-Berlin depression

Ah this is so insane!

At first I was happy to come back to a clean country with comfy beds. But after an hour or so it totally changed. This has been going on for two days now and I seriously think that I've been hit by the post-travel depression, or maybe the post-Berlin depression. There seems to be no cure, other than going back. But I can't, I have to save money for Paris and I'm really looking forward to Paris..I mean that is so much more worth than a one-week trip. But right now...Paris seems so far away, It feels like...am I ever gonna get there? Will things get in the way? Will I find somewhere to live? Can't really sleep on the street...I know thinks can sort themselves out, I know I can make it if I really try...but...what if...

Work sucks. And that makes my coming home depression so much worse. Really I hate my job so much, I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown every day! I guess I'm weak. People have taken ever worse jobs to save money and fulfill their dreams...I just...can't think forward. I'm not the enduring person. Gotta work on that...at work.

The last days I've basically been doing nothing but staring at the wall. I haven't been tidying my room, written a CV, uploaded pictures from Paris, read Candide, read Blind willow Sleeping Woman. I managed to wath to weeds episodes. But that was it! No ER, just nothing nothing nothing. I ate 3 pieces of cake at work two days in a row but that resulted in nothing but a stomach ache. Som much for that.

But okay, tomorrow is time for change. Gonna get up with a smile after a good night's sleep, meet a friend and then do some important stuff. Maybe I should write a list. Yeh, that might be good. Whatever, so long mes amis.

Oh, one more think! I guess all og you have noticed that I think of changing my name. I have never liked my name: Tove, I am not ashamed of it as I was as a kid, I just don't think it's pretty. And in addition to that it is really a bitch to pronounce for non-swedish-speaking persons. Oh well so my alternatives are: Linnéa (shich is my second name). Linnéa is more beautiful I think, and my parents are totally okay with me taking that name. Though Linnéa is also difficult to say for foreigners but maybe it sounds a little more beautiful that Tove when they try:P My other alteratives are Ellinor and Eléonore. It's kind of the same name just different ways of spellings. Eléonore looks most beautiful but it's kind of long and a little complicated. And I think Ellinor is more beautiful to say..Maybe it's a good thing to keep a swedish touch on on'es name? I am not ashamed of Sweden. I just find it boring.

26 augusti 2009


New blog. I've decided that it's better for me to exercise english, and maybe some englishspeaking persons would like to read as well. Besides, english is so much cooler.

Now..Hamburg and Berlin! Kind of the trip of my life. Here follows our doings day by day. I know you've all been waiting for it!

Tuesday: Left Luleå at 10 o'clock. Spent some time in Stockholm, ate pasta and did some shopping at Urban Outfitters. Went to Centralen and Emil, a.k.a the borgarsvin with backslick had some red wine. I, a.k.a the teenage girl who had to show her id, had xider (which I later remembered why I do not drink.) After a pretty long busride to Skavsta and a flight with Ryan Air (in a plane terribly decorated in bright yellow and blue), we arrived in Lübeck.
After another busride..we finally got to Hamburg. Exhausted. The hotel was really nice and we fell asleep in enormously comfy beds.

Wednesday: Went out for some cheap and tasty breakfast. Unfortunately terrorised by one of Hamburg's many thousand wasps. Whats up with the wasps?? After that we took a nice walk by the sea, watching Hamburg's many lifting cranes. A city in total renewal. Later went to Neustadt (I think) for some shopping. Really great shopping district with beautiful canals in the middle of it. Even though I only did shopping at Urban Outfitters and H&M, I was impressed by the....supply, or what to call it.
Spent the rest of the afternoon in wonderful parks, i.a. the largest japanese garden in Europe. In the evening we went out and drank cheap cosmopolitans at a bar and later on delicious razz mojitos at fancy hotel East. After having only three drinks I got pretty drunk and woke up in the middle of the night not far from throwing up. So not used to alcohol.

Thursday: Checked out and I forgot my passport in the room. Who else would have done that?? Luckily I noticed it before it was too late. Went out to the same breakfas restaurant and were once again terrorised by a wasp. This one didn't even get the hint when we tried to kill it with cigarette smoke and mineral water. Unfortunately our efforts only resulted in my sandwich being totally wet, tasting tabacco.

Took the train to Berlin, checked in at the hostel in Kreuzberg and went to the Olympia Stadion for the worldchampionships in athletics!!! Our seats could have been better but it was nothing but a magic evening! Usain Bolt breaking his own World record and Blanka Vlasic beating Ariane Friedrich in a thrilling high jump final. Bought a lovely merchandise bag. Came back to Kreuzberg at 10.30 pm. and had a HUMONGOUS portion of Döner kebap.

Arrived the hostel (once again exhausted) and met our amazing roommates, consisting of two really funny canadian girls and an american guy, who basically had been travelling all his life. Only problem- didn't sleep so well at night. Shitty blinds, the loudest ambulance sirens I've ever heard combined with skyfall and thunder isn't a very good combination. Poor Emil also woke up with fleabites all over his body! Fortunately, I did not;)

Friday: Kind of rainy and cloudy outside so we decided to once again waste some money on shopping...At least for my part...project "saving money for Paris" doesn't run very smoothly. But this afternoon I succeeded pretty well, and only returned with three postcards!
Emil, who would never buy anything but branded clothes, purchased some underwear at Kadewe -Kaushaus des Westens.
After visiting the fancy stores in former West Berlin we headed for the Eastern parts and found some really cool streetshops and vintage stores. We also visited the Jewish Museum which among other things had an incredible photo exhibition.

Back at the hostel we met our new roommates, Christina and Julietta, from Argentina. Christina was in fact a psychologist, so cool. We also met model-looking Lars (swedish name!) and totally charming Joep from the Netherlands. Had some really cheap drinks at the hostel and were persuaded to follow them to Bang Bang club, which i will never regret! How often does one visit a club where every song being played is great? For example we had the pleasure of dancing to The Knife, Le Tigre and Sonic Youth. And yes....everything that happened on that club was amazing. I will never forget.

Saturday: Woke up really late after another night's not so good sleep. Feeling ashamed by the fact that the Argentinians had gone up at 8 o clock to visit every thing worth seeing in Berlin, we decided that it was time to do some cultural stuff. Together with Lars and Joep (who mostly had been partying all week) we headed for Alexanderplatz to meet up with the free tour and be guided through Berlin and its historic buildings. Having coffee at Starbucks, which was said to be the meeting place, we waited, and waited some more

Unluckily though, we couldn't find the free tour guide and were convinced of that we had gotten the message wrong.
Downhearted we walked through Kreuzberg, and visited some more vintage shops. The weather was lovely and we went to a park of which I can't recall the name. It was a really shitty place full of stoned people, in fact ressembling of Christiana. Except for the soil covered with fag-ends and caps it would have been pretty nice if it wasn't for the crappy sacpipe player. Fuck experimental music!

In the evening we had Falafel/kebab as always, got back to the hostel and ordered vodka shots for 1 euro each that we mixed with orange juice. Went out really late and Emil bought Chianti that we drank in the street. I'm not a fan of red wine but Chianti is not simply a red wine! After a while Joep went "home", maybe because he got fed up with us walking slowly like snails.

Emil, Lars and I started queing for bar 25. After a while we got to pass the line because our looks were so stunning. That has never happened to me before so I guess I didn't contribute to it. After all, I don't look like a model, and neither am I a fancy gay guy wearing Alexander Mcqueen. And the club didn't disappoint us! Sat by tha water and danced to electro music for some hours. Left at 7.30 am. and at the time people were still queing to get in.

Sunday: Woke up pretty drunk but still convinced of taking the free tour. Thought that the meeting-place instead might be at the Brandenburger gate. Headed there but found no sign of guides whatsoever. Anyways, Emil got a balloon with the EU stars which he was very proud of, and we walked to the Reichstag building to give him some insight in Berlin's political life. The building was surrounded with a nice park where I could have spent quite a lot time. Then we went to the holocaust memorial that consisted of gigantic stones. A crazy kid jumped across them back and forth all the time. I was content with only jumping once.

The sun was still shining bright and we got back to the crazy park. This time there was some lame karaoke thing going on. People were applausing the crappy singers and in the middle of it all stood some hippie woman waving with a huge ..ehm kind of..wand! ATROCIOUS!

Our last stop was Check Point Charlie and the walk over there was a GARGANTUAN task. Too bad that the only thing I accomplished was two lousy photos.

Emil and I were fighting a HUMONGOUS hangover but as Joep and Lars should be leaving in the early morning and had no place to stay during the night, we simple had to come and party with them.

The evening didn't have the most fortunate start as the receptionist lashed out at us for drinking wine in the hostel. But with some more wine we made it to a bar called The Visionaire or maybe...Der Visionäre. Strange things happened there. Among other things we met a stylist for Vogue who lived in Paris (and thought my french was already good!) who turned out to actually be from Västerås. Small world. For me though the evening didn't end so well. Threw up like ten times in the small "lake" and had to take a cab home. That's what drinking three nights in a row does to you. Or...to me. I guess I'm weak. And not used to red wine.

Monday: Woke up at 12 am. Both of us feverishly hot with sore throats and nausea. We used all our strenght to get out of bed and join the Alterative Free Tour of which the purpose was to discover the grafitti and street art of Berlin. The tour was great and we didn't regret our efforts even though I sometimes felt for throwing up, and the guide once asked us if we were okay, ha ha.
In the end though he wasn't that thoughtful when we according to him gave too little tips. The Free tours always turned out to be a "Free" Tour. We tried innocently to tell him that this was our last day and therefore we were out of money, but still he spapped at us and made faces. After the tour we had our last meal of Döner kebab and went to bed early. I lay awake almost the whole night thinking of what to do with my life.

Tuesday: Got out of bed at 5.50 pm. Took the U-bahn to the airport, and started what felt like an endless home journey. Exhausted, sick and dehydrated we finally arrived in Sweden.

Summary: Great week! Witnessing a world record is unforgetable! Staying at hostels is highly recommended. Especially Berlin is a wonderful city with interessting contrasts between the trashy East and the classy West. Wanna party all night at super awsome clubs? go to Berlin!!!